Sunday, March 24, 2013

This Ain't Right

I am enjoying a few days of peace in the mountains but I was watching Fox News this morning and saw about a test given to 5th graders which asked why terrorists attack America, the correct answer was because America acts in ways which provoke it (or words to that effect)
When one mother complained she was told they would not change it because one parent complained.
This I don't understand, if one Muslim or one minority complained they would change in a heartbeat do you know why? it's because they are afraid of the backlash. Fringe groups provide backlash, schools are afraid of it
Bottom line is we need to supply backlash..... You figure it out.


  1. When you're right, you're right.

  2. What a crock of shit. We never did nuthin to those raghead terrorists.

  3. I guess that is the result of idiots running amuck!

  4. teach them at home. i'd just as soon throw my babies into a sewage vat as send them to school. ours got straight a's in college in a technical major. after a certain point she taught herself. get books cheap or free at library sales. at the end of the day sometimes they are given away just to clear the decks! don't use literature textbooks. get the real complete literature and read them to your kids or let them read for themselves. they are smart. another thing about schools is they treat you like an idiot and you can't even go to the bathroom without a fanfare and a hall pass. then you graduate and overnight you are expected to act as an adult even though you've never so much as been trusted to go to the toilet1 how does that prepare you for life?
    in the early grades i used rod and staff curriculum. inexpensive and very clear. do not be afraid. you need no special knowledge to teach what you already know.

    1. Anon, I agree, all my kids were home schooled and they have done well.

  5. I think it is time for backlash from a whole lot of us! Just what is it going to take for all of us to say enough is enough and do something about it....I don't know.

    1. Mamma Bear, Yes, we need to stand up and get pushy like the left does and make them squirm a little.

  6. Replies
    1. Rob, thanks my friend, good to hear from you.

  7. We need to raise hell instead of keeping quiet and hoping people will like us because we are nice.

    1. I agree, throw a fit or two, I am sick of letting the fringe minority get their way at all costs.

  8. Yep, raise hell! And get it in the media too!
