Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why didn't I think of this earlier ?

I was walking through a toy isle the other day and saw a toy gun with an orange tip on the barrel to make it non-threatening and I thought what a novel idea.
Obviously the solid black look is evil because the government is against it but on the other hand orange and green highlights make it look warm and fuzzy. I could paint the tip of my AR bright orange and maybe the trigger as well to give it that safe look and make it accepted by the masses. Wouldn't it be hilarious if all AR manufacturers starting producing orange flash hiders, what would the toy people do.
On another note, I will be going to the range today with some of our group, Stephen and Senior will be there to participate in some serious gun training, stuff you can't do at your local range, report to follow.
Thought for the day.....If you can't be safe at least have fun. (good range rule)


  1. Good idea, the LEOs would freak. They would know if its a toy or not. Enjoy your time with the boys. Safe travels to you and the boys.

  2. Duke,

    Sounds like an idea to follow through with!!!

    Enjoy the range, looking forward to the upcoming report.

  3. My headache has subsided, the hot shower was nice and 'Hell On Wheels' is on the air if you're interested in more gun play. Nice day wasn't it.

    1. It was a good day, hot but still enjoyable.

  4. Paint it pink :-) Hope y'all had fun! ENVY!!!

    1. Old NFO, That might work as well.

    2. Work well to get max harassment maybe... :-)

  5. I saw a close-up of the orange muzzle tip and had to come see more of it. Orange is okay, but I despise those pink handguns suddenly on the market. If a woman would point a pink handgun at me, I'd have to shoot her just for having bad taste.

    1. Lotta Joy, I was mainly trying to mimic the toy guns that the kids have.

    2. You should have something on your way via Stephen. I made it for you and sent to him so he could pass it on to you. I hope you like it.

      I knew what you were doing with the gun Duke. I rarely make myself clear in comments. I try to come off as joking but people think I'm being a terrorist. LOL But I still don't like those pink things they try to push off on lady buyers. It kind of makes light of the intent a weapon is made for. Killing. Not a fashion statement.

  6. Lotta Joy, Thanks for your kindness, I like to make fun of the political correctness in our society by using their logic (or in this case lack of logic)
