Sunday, January 29, 2012

Trouble in Blogville, Stephen. (update) 4

I just talked with Stephen and passed along all the best wishes and such. He told me to be sure and say thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. He said it may be a little while till he can post, he has internet on his phone but the service is bad. The doctors seem encouraged that they have the infection under control but it is still unclear if he will need further surgery.  He is sick of hospital already, I told him I could smuggle him a cheese burger or anything else he needed., (he knows I am serious) I told him I am amazed how cooks can go to school and learn how to ruin perfectly good food.
Anyway, thanks again from Stephen, I will keep you posted.


  1. Too bad he's not in the hospital I had the kids in--their food wasn't just good for hospital food, but good for restaurant food. Tell him he's still in Odysseus's and my prayers, and I'd send him cookies if I knew where to send them. Oatmeal chocolate chip.

  2. Still praying. For him, and for Little Bit, who is probably worried out of her mind.

  3. Glad he at least seems to be better.

  4. We're glad he's better; thanks for your updates.

  5. Good deal on the infection being under control. That's a key thing. When I was a teenager in the hospital for knee surgery, my mom would smuggle in food. That probably did more for my recovery than the doctors.

  6. Hope is home and feeling well soon


  7. Tell him to concentrate on getting better & forget about us for awhile. Let him know that we are all praying for him.

    Like 45er, we took less than what others consider ideal food to my father-in-law when he was in the hospital for 2+ months. I swear those 'gifts' of really bad for you, but very tasty meals got him through some rough moments (or hours).

  8. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. My continued prayers for Stephen and his family.

  9. thank you, sweet friend, for keeping us updated. and yes, please "sneak" some food into the hospital for him. and please tell Sweet Wife and Little Bit that we have them in our prayers too.

    thank you Duke! your friend,

  10. I have been away too long. Thank you for the update. I am keeping him and the family in my thoughts.
