Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Dog is a Democritter.

Nobody loves me.
He does not go to work
He sleeps most of the day.
His food is prepared for him at no cost to him.
He doesn't pay for medical care.
He lives for free in a house not his own.
When he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
All his expenses are paid by others who work for a living.

(The big difference is I had him neutered and he can't vote)


  1. at least he doesn't want to ban your guns...

  2. Mudbug, I guess that's why I put up with him.

  3. jeesh...your dog must be related to my 2 cats!!!

    your friend,

  4. I am ashamed to say I have family that is like that. My 2 dogs work here, They are livestock guardian dogs. I have 2 cats that are mousers in the barn. Well one used to be but has gotten too old. She is retired now and gets a regular pension of Meow Mix.

  5. So very funny. Same goes for my 3 tomcats. Being a pet parent sure is hard work.

  6. Haha...our dogs are working dogs but they still maximize the sleep thing quite well.

    Sadly in New Mexico as one need not show photo ID when voting, one will always wonder if the dogs cast a vote or not!?!

  7. Reminds me of my daughter-in-law. Shame we can't spay and neuter those democritters too.

  8. LOL. I know the feeling. I told my dog to "get a job" the other day but he just looked at me and began nudging his empty food bowl in my direction.

  9. lol! Our dogs are working dogs (puppy is in training), but I have sea monkeys that behave that way.

  10. Kymber, He is probably related to a few others as well.
    Mamma Bear, those are the best kind to have.
    Rob's Bunker, I know the feeling.
    Humble Wife, I may look into getting him an absentee ballot, I can fill it out for him.
    Stephen, Maybe one day.
    Murphy's Law, Gotta love em. They do seem thankful which is more than most people are.

  11. Phelan, Actually mine is a good watch dog, Its easy for him to recognize other deadbeats because he is one.

  12. I was just saying last night that maybe people get reincarnated as pets. What kind of person you were dictates what kind of home you come back to live in. My pets must have been pretty good people; the cats are lazy and fat and pretty much get whatever they want for almost nothing in return. The dog has more toys than I ever had, gets high quality food, daily walks and treats. She's also cost us thousands of dollars in care and repairs and yet she still lives :)

    j/k of course, but it has a ring of sensibility to it, no?

  13. Kris, I do tend to agree though. I would not put up with this behavior from my kids.

  14. Oh my gosh, I couldn't stop laughing!!

  15. Stephanie, Thanks...glad I brightened your day a little.

  16. I know some dogs that work harder than Occupy protesters.

  17. It's a pity the Democritters can't lick their own nads. It'd only take them a couple of generations to disappear... (too crude?)

  18. 45er, Isn't that a fact, at least my dog is grateful for what he gets.
    Ausprepper, Very true.
