Friday, August 17, 2012

Shooting in DC

I read on the news about a gunman who walked into the Family Research Council in Washington DC and shot a security guard who had stopped him for looking suspicious.
 The shooter apparently was a volunteer at a gay and lesbian rights organization. I am a little confused why this was not front page news on all the papers because I suspect if it had been a Tea Party guy shooting in any liberal office it would be the headline story on every news service on TV, radio and news paper and the opening line would be "Tea party activists spouts hate as he shoots poor liberals"
Even in this USA Today article about it  they don't mention the link to the gay group till about the 10th paragraph.
Oh well at least I can rest assured 0bama has called the Family Research Council and asked them if they are all right and I expect a picture in a few days of 0bama having a beer with the security guard, showing his support.


  1. Come now, we all know that it's only evil, white, God fearing men who do these things these days. Can't have any coverage of anyone else going off the deep end especially not one of their deviant supporters.

    1. I guess so, hard to believe. Thanks Matt.

  2. What Matt said....really, it's what we'd all expect out of the Socialist media.

    1. I know, I tend to be sarcastic. Thanks Bubba.

  3. And just what was he going to do with those 15 Chick-fil-a sammiches? Death cards? Evidence to throw off the police? Another LWNJ goes off the deep end and hardly a peep.

    1. Robert, the Chick-fil-a has me stumped as well. I guess liberals aren't real bright probably from smoking too much dope.

  4. Hey, ya'll- I swear, that building is RIGHT by my Metro stop & I pass in front of the crime scene all the time. I don't know anything about the dude who got shot in the arm & "subdued the gunman..." But he must have big ol' clangin' balls, if you ask me. Sheee - it. The local TV news covered it pretty straight, up here. Straight, as in correctly, ---no offense--- to the newly asking & telling stout-hearted men of the Armed Services. Maybe the out-of-the-closet closet-Queens will keep the old ladies, who run the Pentagon, in line for once. Well played, Panetta, well played.

    1. Russell, must be rough living so close to so many low-life's.

  5. Yeah, not so much... Actually I'm amazed it got ANY coverage!

    1. Old NFO, if they could have kept it quite they would have I'm sure. thanks.
