All the unrest and rioting in Libya and other places in the middle east seems to leave the politicians at a loss as to what to do
and it really is not that hard. Our embassies are supposed to be extensions of the United States in a foreign country.
Everyone needs to face the facts, those people over there will
NEVER like us, there is
NOTHING we can do to change that so the politicians need to stop trying and start looking out for our best interest. We need to pass the word to them we wish them no harm but if they mess with us we will make it make it very painful for them.
When they dragged our ambassador, Christopher Stevens from the embassy in Libya and killed all the staff we should have sent an air strike in and leveled about a one mile radius around the embassy. This would have taken out all the rioters and thugs. The devastation would be great, all men, women, children, goats, sheep, cockroaches and rats would be dead in in the area.
Problem solved. We would issue a statement that any future uprising against us will be handled in the same manor. I am sure it would happen a few more times but after a while it would sink in to their brain, if it did not we would keep bombing until no more of them existed. This is the tactic we used in WWII with Japan and Germany, I know the German and Japanese people are quite a bit brighter than this bunch of inbred Muslim goat herders but so be it.
The American people are fed up with all this appeasement.