who had tried to visit some federal building only to find it closed due to the shutdown. This woman who was without a doubt a democrat was crying, tears in her eyes and she said "I had heard about it on the news but I didn't actually think people would not be at work, how can we

This mentality is so wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start but that my good friends is how stupid people think and why we are in the mess we are.
Don't be fooled though, the government is not totally shut down, the enforcement departments are operating in full force because they don't want you to taste real freedom in case it becomes addicting.
Everything I saw on the news was about how it's not fair for the people who aren't getting paid right now and how it's all the fault of repubs and tea's. I feel for people in that situation but a gov't job isn't secure anymore, just like the rest of society.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be really ugly for the debt ceiling debate.
Max, So many people are sucked into the nanny state mentality and have come to rely on the government.
DeleteIf the private sector is insecure how can we expect the government to be secure because private money funds all the government.
Sad but true, and this is why golfer in chef got elected. I just breaks my heart that folks are that stupid. No not really.
ReplyDeleteRob, At some point the cow will dry up and then the leaches will realize it's too late.
DeleteA protracted 'slim-down' might be good for us, as you said, so we'll see how long it actually lasts. Personally, I expect the Stupid R Party to cave soon.
ReplyDeleteDC politics is like professional wrestling: it's theater, and they all go out to dinner together afterward.
Rev Paul, I think you are spot on with the pro wrestling analogy.
DeleteI watched CNN yesterday, something I rarely do but Fox had a talk show on and I hate those. CNN was interviewing people on the street, and it was clear they were selectively choosing which interviews to air in order to give the impression that all Americans were angry about the Republicans standing their ground. One woman in particular said "this is all the fault of the Tea Party." I doubt she had the slightest idea what "the Tea Party" is, but it suited the party line CNN was pimping. Then CNN did a segment on a couple who had planned to get married at some park and now they couldn't. Frankly, who cares? It just shows how little grasp people have in general concerning the state of our economy and the impact of Blowjama Care.
ReplyDeleteHarry, Must not have been a gay couple wanting to marry or they would have made an exception (I know that was not called for) but you are right, the average person on the street is absolutely clueless.
DeleteAnd, shame is we can't shoot 'em on sight.
ReplyDeleteStephen, It sure is but one day they will be rioting and looting when the economy collapses.
DeleteHey Duke;
ReplyDeleteOf course the lamestream media trots out people that support the party line for the Godless communist loving democrats.....We don't really have an independent media, just a party organ for the state. And these people vote....and they cancel out me and mine and you and yours votes. It is the "gimme" generation on full display.
Typical prole...