I like to read down my blog list daily for inspiration, news and other interesting tidbits. I was reading over at
Tam's Blog this morning about the two Australian Olympic swimmers who posed with guns inside a California gun shop and the stink it apparently caused in the press over there. I have spent time overseas in different countries including Australia and we (Americans) were looked upon favorably for the most part but it seems this is changing. Further down my list I came across a post by
Brigid which mentioned, among other things, the rugged people who made this country. It seems anymore these kind if individuals are viewed as neanderthals and not very enlightened and I am sure this is part of the reason behind the flak over the Australian swimmers.

Over 50 years ago the communist party claimed they would never take over America by force but through our education system and we would fall from within. I may hurt some feelings here but I believe for the most part the government education system is the major cause of most of our problems. If young people were taught to work hard for their success and
not rely on government or community to prop them up we would be better off. I know some people have little or no option except public school but in my ever so humble opinion if you do have kids or grand kids in these schools you had better work overtime to debrief them on a regular basis if you don't want little liberals in your hands.....just saying.

It used to be rugged individuals were looked up to by almost everyone especially our education system, in school we would learn about real heroes, explorers, generals, soldiers, tough men and women who made a difference, kids would play cops and robbers, or practice exploring on weekends on the edge of town, or play fireman or war games. Today this is not tolerated, instead if you can find a plastic gun it is painted orange or lime green, if a kid even draws a picture of a gun in school they can be expelled. They are taught to hold hands around a tree they planted to save the environment and
pray wish for world peace. How else do you explain why a community organizer is elected in this country as president. All kidding aside, 50 years ago Obama's credentials would not have gotten him elected dog catcher, this is what you get for over 40 years of teaching this garbage. While I'm at it black people did not elect Obama, don't blame it on them. If you think about it a high percentage of the black population lives in the south, most of which went for McCain in the last election and through the beauty of the electoral college system, their vote counted for McCain, no, the reason the big "zero" was elected was the "can't we all just get along" crowd made possible through public education.
For the record I am not against all public school teachers, I know there are many good patriots among them, some in my family but they are not the norm or at least they are forced to teach some of the garbage they do.

All this is not new, we have been creating this mess for a long time. This kind of mentality started back in the 60's with the "peace and love" generation, the baby boomers, it spawned the Vietnam protests and environmental activism etc. back then it was a few wackos but now it is mainstream with over 50% having some of these tendency's. This is why I am so opposed to the idea to re-elect Obama so he can drive us off the cliff ( because it's inevitable anyway) and the right wing won't get the blame and we can re-build, fact is there are enough cool-aide drinkers to ensure if this happens that we
will become a full blown socialist country and stay that way forever.
No, we need to take a stand here and now and start to turn this ship around or be prepared to man the lifeboats and live on a deserted island for the rest of our lives......