Which lead me to think, I would dearly have loved to seen those hundreds of WWII vets tear down the barricades and storm the monument much like they did the beaches on D-Day and defy the park police. I would love to see one of the vets on a bull horn announcing to the police and the media that this monument does not belong to the government but to them and they have no authority to block it off. I would have loved to have seen jack-booted thug riot police arresting hundreds of vets on crutches and wheelchairs in front of the news media and then some government official on TV explaining why these vets who bled and sacrificed so much for their country were being treated this way. I would loved to see the PR nightmare this would be for the 0bama tribe.
This also begs the question, why have we let the government come to control us so much, why do we think we need permission from government to access a public park which belongs to 'we the people'
Is it strange to anybody else that if the national park department was unfunded and shut down then who barricaded them off. Did employees come in on their own and volunteer their time to do it ? or did 0bama order police (if you look closely at the tape on the barricades it says "police line, do not cross") to block them off to show the public he was the supreme ruler ?
Oh well what you gonna do, this is what everyone wants, a nanny state.
I caught this on the news last night. Apparently they did get onto the WWII Memorial and had their tour of the site. No mention of how they got on - but imagining them storming the barricade brought a smile to my face....
ReplyDeleteI saw they did get in I just hope they didn't beg for permission.
ReplyDeleteFox reported this morning that the park po-po would be on horseback today to meet today's expected group of vets.
ReplyDeleteI'd so love to see these vets ignore this intimidation and walk on through.
Matt, they just might do it. I hope so.
DeleteI can't imagine many of them wanting to stand (sit, ride) idly by. Nor the groups scheduled to attend there, today.
ReplyDeleteRev Paul, I hope they put up a fuss. Even if the government is shut down that has no bearing on an open park that does not belong to the government.
DeleteDear Duke - my ire is up. i don't like when that happens. this is total bull-crap and if i was there - i would have ripped those police barricades down with my teeth!
ReplyDeleteyour friend,
Kymber, I like your style. Thanks.
DeleteIf only they had said that they wanted to "occupy" the park the government would have put up tents for them, paid them to be there, and then given then thousands of dollars "compensation" for their inconvienience
ReplyDeleteAnon, good point. Thanks.
DeleteI posted this yesterday. I think the Park Service is worried about terrorist attack.
ReplyDeleteRob, could be because the white house wants to label vets as domestic terrorists
DeleteGiven the way the media works, they'd all have been out disparaging the veterans for being "unlawful" and praising the police for rounding them up. Then Blowjama would have had a conference in the Rose Garden and attacked Fox News for not reporting it they way he wanted.
ReplyDeleteHarry, no doubt the media would try and put a negative spin on it but it would not fly with most people I think.