It's been a while since I purposely tried to tick off as many people as possible so this is overdue.

I keep hearing about the Tea Party wanting to starve the children and not pay for their lunch or breakfast so I will sum it up as I see it. I consider myself a Tea Party person at heart but I am not starving children or advocating anyone who wants to, the persons mostly responsible for starving kids is primarily their
sorry parents. This may infuriate some of you but try and follow my reasoning, I know there are people who are truly in need and some who are just plain lazy nevertheless we give them aid in the form of food stamps or EBT cards and welfare payments so these people can take care of feeding themselves and their children so why are the children going to school hungry? Are their parents selling the EBT cards for half their face value to buy beer, cigarettes, lottery tickets, drugs, I know not all do (theirs are the kids who get breakfast before going to school) but a great number are and I would be willing to bet this is one

reason they squeal like a stuck pig when you suggest welfare recipients should undergo random drug testing, and why not I had to endure this on my job for over 30 years so it is more than reasonable for them as well.
So what do I suggest,
arrest or fine parents who get aid from the government and fail to properly feed their kids. Don't give me any garbage about that being cruel and uncaring, you would arrest the same person for neglecting or mistreating their dog or cat without a second thought and we don't give them any funds to care for their pet, are their pets more valued than children ? (don't answer that, I don't want to embarrass anybody) The fact is we could double spending on welfare and the problem would not change so the only answer I see is punishing the parents till they shape up, maybe some will be inclined to get a job, I'm tired of paying for their cell phone, big screen, food stamps, car and apartment and then getting labeled as a bum trying to starve their children. I happen to believe anyone who won't provide for their own family is
worse than an infidel, seems I read that somewhere.
I agree with you 100% Now answer me this Why is no one worred about us VETS That are disabled an liveing on or Disability They keep Reporting lamstream meda that after thur. they cant pay us Which is just another way Berri can stick it to us.
ReplyDeleteChams90, I hear you loud and clear, but the looser in chief has to protect his constituency.
DeleteDoesn't make sense when you can get more doing nothing than working. Perhaps that is the real problem, that and personal responsibility.
ReplyDeleteK, well said, don't blame the parents who are supposed to be caring for the kids on a daily basis but instead blame total strangers who you never met.
DeleteI AGREE!!! There's NO reason to provide "free" meals to kids of food stamp recipients. Our system is backwards, rewarding those who pop out kids out of wedlock. It's sickening!
ReplyDeleteAnon, It's like giving someone a gas card to fill up their car and then giving them free gas at the pump because they ran out ????? How stupid do they think we are.
DeleteI just put a bag of popcorn in the microwave....
ReplyDeleteWarlock, I don't take fraud and child neglect lightly.
Deletewas not questioning that Duke....I was alluding to the possibility of the hatemongers trying to .....well you know. I surely did not mean to sound spiteful. I apologize if it came across that way
DeleteWarlock, point taken, I am not a hatemonger either, I guess to me it's like offering someone a free ride on the highway and then they complain the whole way because they have to sit in the back or the A/C is not the right temp or you stopped at McDonald's for lunch instead of Burger King.
DeleteI agree with every word.
ReplyDeleteAnd oh, yes: 1 Timothy 5:8 ~ But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Rev Paul, I knew it was a Bible verse just not sure of the text, sounds like God doesn't think to kindly of them either. Thanks.
DeleteI just had to comment. First off, all welfare people should be made to work to get a check. Community service, etc. No work, no pay. Just like the rest of working stiffs.
ReplyDeleteAlso, drug testing first to qualify. Feed your kids first, scumbags.
Tewshooz, Now you've gone overboard, make them work, now that is cruel, they are supposed to be better and more deserving than the rest of us. Thanks friend.
DeleteI tell you what, so many times, I think, living on less is an incredible life and if only if only. I mean many have televisions but not water bath canners to put up items from the summer. Many have cell phones but not a pressure canner to put up soups, stews, meats that go on sale. Many have designer Coach purses but do not grow simple items in planters in the house...
ReplyDeleteI am not being condescending. I never canned any foods, dried any foods, or for the truth of the matter baked bread until 2005 and my husband had an accident. Instead of reaching out we looked within and rolled up our sleeves and learned how to live on less. It takes accepting a life non mainstream, not having the newest latest gadgets, and of course the spirit once in most Americans~before the welfare state took over.
I am saddened that so many race for the handouts. One sees the character of who one really is in a situation that demands personal sacrifice.
Rev Paul, I also think hand in hand with that scripture could be 2 Thess. 3 :10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you that if any would not work, neither would he eat. Both are powerful scriptures that have guided my husband and I in all we do.
Good post.
Jennifer, You make excellent points, they DO make choices they all have consequences but that is a bad word today. I don't know how many times I see some of these people complaining about their plight and they are drunk or high.
DeleteSpot on again. Even the liberal god FDR never intended for welfare to become a lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteJames, Maybe not but the damage was done anyway. Thanks.
DeleteThey go after pet abusers harder... Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteOld NFO, don't you know it. Our society is totally screwed up. Thanks.
DeleteThe Libs won't let you drug test and punish the parents because ultimately the children will suffer. I absolutely want to limit the handouts to the chronic abusers. If you have a second child while receiving assistance for the first, you must agree to sterilization before you can continue to receive assistance. Oh no, that would be genocide! No, it would be voluntary, you can say no to sterilization, but we can say no to giving you our money! I also agree we provide too much when you can draw more by not working than you can make working a 40 hour a week job, then the weak willed have absolutely no incentive to work. At least we should have a sliding scale. After every three months your check should be reduced 10%, so eventually working would be more attractive than being on the gov dole.
ReplyDeleteSwamp Dog, The kids with the dope head parents are already suffering thus the reason for neglect charges. I like the idea about about lessening the payouts over time. Thanks.
DeleteDuke, I'm on disability but I don't get EBT. The PTBs said they wanted to make the "people hurt" So I figured all benefits/entitlements could be cut and warned folks on my blog to be ready for anything! My biggest problem would be not geting my disability check but I can make it through November no problem.
ReplyDeleteThe PTBs are screwing up my plans for the solar power generator I wanted to finish up this month for the November GRIDEX II with the dumb games they are playing, but I knew being adaptable is just part of being self-reliant.
myadventuresinselfreliance, I am not down on responsible people like yourself. Sounds like you are putting the money to good use, being self reliant is a worthy goal. God bless you.
DeleteBubba, you sparked my interest again, and I had to go search for the lady in Tampa who had 15 kids from 3 different daddy's, stating on the news, "some needs to be held accountable for my children, somebody has to pay". Good ole liberal ideology has and continues to destroy this country. Of course there are people out there that bash members of the Tea party on their blogs and think it is perfectly ok for American society to have as many kids as they want with others paying for them. Makes me sick!
ReplyDeleteSenior, Agreed, that sums it up, blame a total stranger for all your woes.
DeleteI'm proud to call you my friend....shucks, next time you drive over for coffee I'm gonna ruffle you hair. Amen, Brother.
ReplyDeleteStephen, Thanks my friend.
DeleteEvery time I have had to the the wizz quiz I have no issues. I even ask if they want a list of my meds. I even had to blow a breath test. 0.0 no surprise. All for work. I will piss test all day. Its always the libs that cry foul.
ReplyDeleteRob, responsible people don't have problems with it but many are vocal and for some reason the democrats want to side with them??? I don't get it.
I am one of those libs you talk about. However, I agree with every word you said in the post and comments. I have had to take drug tests for jobs. Every job I have had that had anything to do with the government had a drug test as part of the package.
ReplyDeleteI saw a sign: "If you can afford to smoke, you don't need the food bank." My rules would say "smokers don't get food stamps!"
Linda, I don't know every circumstance where people get assistance and I am not here to judge in fact I want the ones that need help to get it but when you have some who abuse the system it really hurts the amount of support and help that can be given to worthy recipients. And like you said, why should someone who can afford cigarettes get food stamps and if they are using EBT cards to buy them at the expense of children even worse. Thanks.
DeleteHarsh, but reasonable opinions. I agree that anyone who is receiving benefits courtesy of the Federal Government should require tests that allow them access.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely begins with the parents and their responsibility to their kids.
Anon, thanks, sometimes we need to sit back and look at the real problem.
DeleteYou're 100% correct. Of course the more rules they make the less Democrat voters they get in return.
ReplyDelete100% correct. They wouldn't want to disrupt the flow of new Democrats now would they?
ReplyDeletePioneerPreppy, that really is the heart of the problem/ issue not that ALL of them are democrat voters but a most are so you shore up your base.
DeleteWell, as long as the decent people who are just having hard times don't get tarred with the same brush. I don't know where you would find jail space for all the people who abuse public assistance, though. There would be a lot of them. The other thing is, if it should just happen that most of these people belong to a certain ethnic group, then drawing attention to that would make you a dreadful racist.
ReplyDeleteHarry, Good people doing the right thing are going to feed their kids if it means they go without. I know this would never happen so jail space is not really a concern however if you fined them or cut their payments and make them bring the kids to a food kitchen maybe it would have the desired effect, who knows. Bottom line it's not my or yours fault they go hungry.
Deletei did a post about a year or so ago about while I was in the low cost veternarian. The guy next to me was paying his dogs vet bill with his EBT card, and they accepted it !
ReplyDeleteThe thing I saw this summer plastered all over the schools fence's and etc.. was "Free Lunch" during summer break. It blew me away. And parents were actually taking their kids to the cafeteria. they did not have the money at home to make a PB & J. But they dang sure had the money for the gas it took to get to the cafeteria. And it was all so they could get something "Free"
JUGM, I know I have seen first hand the same thing, makes me upset to see the abuse of my money, but they know how to spend (waste) it better than me. I have a better idea, cut off all their money and let the whole family eat there.
DeleteI am not sure if everyone is aware but, the EBT card is more then food stamps. It also has cash on it just like a debt card. So if you see someone using an EBT card they can not use food stamps. or SNAP as it is called now. Yes there is some who will take snap for more then food, But they seem to get caught.
ReplyDeleteRob, thanks for the clarification.